29600-378: Apollo Conventional Galvanic Barrier. The Conventional I.S. Galvanic Barrier is available in the XP95 I.S. range and the Orbis I.S. range. more infomore info
29600-379: Apollo Syrex I.S. Conv Sounder. The Conventional I.S. Open-Area Sounder is suitable for intrinsically safe signalling applications more infomore info
29600-440: Apollo Galvanic Isolator for Conv I.S. AV Only. The Conventional I.S. AV Galvanic Barrier is installed in the safe area and provides more infomore info
29600-446: Apollo Syrex I.S. Conv Sounder Visual Indicator. The Conventional I.S. Open-Area Sounder VID is suitable for intrinsically safe signalling more infomore info